August 1, 2008
For the week ending July 27, wheat harvest was active in irrigated fields in western Nebraska and haying was underway statewide, according to USDA'sNational Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. Fungicides were being applied to corn in some areas and grasshoppers were being treated in high population areas. The Panhandle received over an inch of much needed rain during the week.
Crop Condition
Corn conditions rated 2% very poor, 4% poor, 18% fair, 58% good, and 18% excellent, near last year's 75% good or excellent rating. Irrigated fieldsrated 77% good or excellent, well below last year whiledryland fields rated 77%, well above year ago levels. Corn silked was 72%, well behind last year's 88% and five daysbehind the average of 86%. Four percent of the corn was in thedough stage, behind last year's 25% and average of 16%.
Soybean conditions rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 17% fair,61% good, and 15% excellent, well above last year's 66%good or excellent condition. Soybeans blooming were64%, behind last year's 79% and a week behind theaverage of 81%. Soybeans setting pods was 16%, behindlast year's 40%, and 37% average.
Wheat ripe was at 99%, behind last year's 100% but evenwith the average. Wheat harvested was 90% complete,behind last year's 97% and 96% average.
Alfalfa conditions rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 20% fair,63% good, and 12% excellent, well above last year's 54%good or excellent condition. Second cutting was 79%complete eight days behind last year and the average of 92%.Third cutting was underway at 5%, behind last year's 12%and average of 11%.
Oat conditions rated 1% very poor, 1% poor, 9% fair,62% good, and 27% excellent, well above last year's 68% good orexcellent rating. Oats harvested was 49%, eight daysbehind last year and the average of 82%.
Sorghum conditions rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 24% fair,58% good, and 13% excellent, well below last year's 82%good or excellent condition. Sorghum headed was 5%,behind last year's 20% and the average of 23%.
Dry bean conditions rated 0% very poor, 3% poor, 45% fair,47% good, and 5% excellent, well below last year's 70%good or excellent condition. Dry beans blooming were61%, ahead of last year's 56% and 58% average. Dry beanssetting pods were 10%, ahead of last year's 8% but behindthe average of 16%.
Wild hay conditions rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 15% fair,65% good, and 16% excellent, well above last year's 68%good or excellent condition.
Pasture andrange conditions rated 2% very poor, 7% poor, 22% fair,57% good, and 12% excellent, well above last year's 53%good or excellent condition.