March 30, 2007
Nebraska producers expect to increase acreage devoted to corn, hay and winter wheat (sown last fall), and decrease acreage planted to soybeans, sorghum, oats, dry edible beans, sugarbeets and sunflowers.
Nebraska corn growers expect to plant 9 million acres for all purposes in 2007, up 11% from last year and the largest planted area since 1936.
Soybean growers intend to plant 4.4 million acres, down 13% from last year.
Last fall, winter wheat was sown on 1.95 million acres, up 8% from a year earlier and up 5% from two years ago.
Sorghum growers expet to plant 260,000 acraes, 30% less than 1006 and the smallest planted area since 1932.
Dry edible bean producers intend to plant 100,000 acres, down 29% from a year earlier and equaling the smallest planted area since 1972. Sunflower planting intetions, at 30,000 acres, are down 43% from last year and are the lowest since the series began in 1991.
Hay acreage for harvest, at 3 million, would be up 7% from last year. Oat planting intentions, at 125,000 acres, are down 22% from 2006. Sugarbeet plantings of 53,000 acres would be down 14% from a year ago.
These acreage estimates are based on surveys conducted the first two weeks of March. This report is intended to assist growers in finalizing their acreage plans for 2007. Actual area planted may vary from that indicated due to farmer's final assessment of planting options, effects of weather, availability of production inputs, and changes in price expectations for the coming crop year.
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
Nebraska Field Office