May 23, 2008:
For the week ending May 18, despite below normal temperatures, abundant sunshine allowed soils to dry and producers to shift planting into high gear, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. Planting was in full swing with many producers done with corn and able to start on soybeans and sorghum. Warmer weather increased soil temperatures, helping crop emergence and boosting hay, pasture, and small grain growth.
Corn planting increased rapidly with the favorable weather and was 83% complete, still behind last year's 87% and three days behind the five-year average of 89%. Corn emergence was at 25%, behind the 50% of last year and a week behind the average of 51%.
Soybean planting was 26% complete, behind last year's 39% and four days behind the five-year average of 45%. Soybean emergence was at 1%, behind last year's 7% and average of 11%.
Wheat condition rated 1% very poor, 7% poor, 33% fair, 50% good, and 9% excellent, below last year's 62% good or excellent condition. Seventy-seven percent of wheat has jointed, behind last year's 93% and six days behind average of 91%. One percent of the wheat had headed, behind last year's 26% and ten days behind the average of 24%.
Alfalfa condition rated 3% poor, 24% fair, 66% good, and 7% excellent, above last year's 54% good or excellent and the average of 55%. First cutting was 2% complete, behind last year's 5% and the average of 8%.
Oat condition rated 1% poor, 19% fair, 75% good, and 5% excellent, ahead of last year's 72% good or excellent. Ninety-seven percent of oats had been planted, behind last year's 99% and the average of 100%. Oat emergence was at 90%, behind last year's 94% and the five-year average of 96%.
Sorghum planting was 19% complete, behind last year's 23% and an average of 22%.
Pasture and range conditions rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 28% fair, 62% good, and 5% excellent, above last year's 60% good or excellent condition. Many cattle were being turned out to pasture.