June 6, 2008
For the week ending June 1, strong winds combined with heavy rains, flooding and unseasonably cool temperatures slowed planting and increased the potential need to replant some crops, according to USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. Severe weather with tornados touching down in central and east central Nebraska caused flooding and damaged crops and roads. Rains across much of the state left fields too wet to plant, slowed development, and made haying difficult.
Temperatures averaged 4 degrees below normal and ranged from highs in the upper 80s in the southwest to lows in the upper 30s in the Panhandle. The Northeast, Central, and East Central districts averaged over 2 inches of precipitation.
Field Crops Report
Corn condition rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 27% fair, 56% good, and 10% excellent, below last year's 84% good or excellent rating. Eighty-two percent of the corn had emerged, behind last year's 91% and five days behind the 92% average.
Soybean planting was 73% complete, behind last year's 84% and six days behind the 88% average. Thirty-seven percent of the soybeans had emerged, behind last year's 52% and four days behind the 56% average.
Wheat condition rated 1% very poor, 5% poor, 30% fair, 55% good, and 9% excellent, above last year's 57% good or excellent . Wheat headed is 39% complete, well behind last year's 86% and nine days behind the78% average.
Alfalfa condition rated 2% poor, 24% fair, 65% good, and 9% excellent, well above last year's 58% good or excellent condition. First cutting was 13% complete, well behind last year's 30% and 44% average.
Oat condition rated 1% poor, 14% fair, 78% good, and 7% excellent, above last year's 71% good or excellent condition. Nine percent of the oats had headed, behind last year's 20% and 22% average.
Sorghum planted was 47% complete, behind last year's 69%, and six days behind the 68% average. Sorghum emerged was 11%, behind last year's 35% and eight days behind the 29% average.
Dry bean planting was 16% complete, behind last year's 39% and the five-year average of 32%. Dry bean emergence was at 1%, behind last year's 3% and the average of 4%.
Proso millet planted was at 1%, behind last year's 11% and the average of 13%.
Pasture andrange condition was rated 6% poor, 22% fair, 60% good, and 12% excellent, well above last year's 65% good or excellent condition. Pasture growth continues to be slower than normal in some areas.