USDA Forecast: Nebraska Corn Crop Down 13%; Reflects National Trend - UNL CropWatch, Aug. 2012

USDA Forecast: Nebraska Corn Crop Down 13%; Reflects National Trend - UNL CropWatch, Aug. 2012

August 10, 2012

Soybean Crop Down 17% in Nebraska, 12% Nationally

Based on August 1 conditions, Nebraska’s corn crop is forecast at 1.34 billion bushels, 13% below last year’s production and the smallest crop since 2006, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. Area to be harvested for grain, at 9.1 million acres, is down 5% from a year ago. Yield is forecast at 147 bushels per acre, down 13 bushels from last year and the lowest since 2003.

Nebraska’s drop mirrors the national drop in corn production. Nationally, corn production is forecast at 10.8 billion bushels, down 13% from 2011 and the lowest production since 2006. Based on conditions as of August 1, U.S. yields are expected to average 123.4 bushels per acre, down 23.8 bushels from 2011. If realized, this will be the lowest average yield for U.S. corn since 1995. Area harvested for grain is forecast at 87.4 million acres, down 2% from the June forecast but up 4% from 2011.

Soybean production in Nebraska is forecast at 215 million bushels, 17% below last year and lowest since 2007. Area for harvest, at 5.0 million acres, is up 4% from 2011. Yield is forecast at 43 bushels per acre, down 10.5 bushels from last year and lowest since 2003.

Nationally, soybean production is forecast at 2.69 billion bushels, down 12% from last year. Based on August 1 conditions, yields are expected to average 36.1 bushels per acre, down 5.4 bushels from last year. If realized, the average yield will be the lowest since 2003. Area for harvest is forecast at 74.6 million acres, down 1% from June but up 1% from 2011.

Nebraska’s 2012 winter wheat crop is forecast at 55.4 million bushels, 15% below last year’s crop. Area for grain, at 1.32 million acres, is 9% below last year. Yield is forecast at 42 bushels per acre, 3 bushels below last year and lowest since 2006.

Nationally, all wheat production, at 2.27 billion bushels, is up 2% from the July forecast and up 13% from 2011. Based on August 1 conditions, the U.S. yield is forecast at 46.5 bushels per acre, up 0.9 bushel from last month and up 2.8 bushels from last year.

Sorghum yield is forecast at 60 bushels per acre, down 34 bushels from last year and lowest since 2002. Production of 4.8 million bushels is down 27% from a year ago.

Oat yield is forecast at 56 bushels per acre, 9 bushels below last year. Production of 1.4 million bushels is 8% above last year.

Dry edible bean production is up 13% from last year.

Sugar beet production is up 14% from 2011 due to a record high yield forecast of 30 tons per acre.

Alfalfa hay production is forecast to be 27% below last year and the smallest production since 1947. All other hay production is down 29%.

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