USDA: Crop Conditions
August 22, 2008
For the week endingAugust 17, 2008, below normal temperatures and rains acrossmost of the state improved soil moisture profiles andreduced stress on crops. Therains provided enough moisture in some areas to shut downirrigation pumps a few days. With the recent rainfall theNorthwest District is now 2% above normalprecipitation since April 1.
Temperatures averaged 5 degreesbelow normal across the state. High temperatures around thestate hovered near 90 and lows were in the mid to lower 50s.
Crop Reports
Corn conditions rated 1%very poor, 4% poor, 19% fair, 56% good, and 20% excellent, justbelow last year's 79% good or excellent rating.Irrigated fields rated 78% good or excellent well belowlast year, while dryland fields rated 72%, above year ago levels.Corn in the dough stage was 67%, behind last year's 85%and four days behind the 80% average. Corn in the dent stagewas19%, behind last year's 40% and 30% average.
Soybean conditions rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 21% fair, 60% good, and 15% excellent, near last year's 74% good or excellent condition. Soybeans blooming were 96%, behind last year and the average of 99%. Soybeans setting pods was 77%, behind last year's 90% and six days behind the 91% average.
Alfalfa conditions rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 26% fair, 55% good, and 12% excellent, above last year's 60% good or excellent condition. Third cutting was 51% complete, behind last year's 62% and a week behind the 66% average.
Oats harvested was 95%, behind last year's 99% and the average of 98%.
Sorghum conditions rated 0% very poor, 2% poor, 22% fair, 57% good, and 19% excellent, below last year's 80% good or excellent condition. Sorghum headed was 72%, behind last year's 89% and six days behind the 83% average. Sorghum turning color was 1%, behind last year's 10% and 12% average.
Dry bean conditions rated 0% very poor, 4% poor, 40% fair, 47% good, and 9% excellent, well below last year's 71% good or excellent condition. Dry beans setting pods were 91%, well ahead of last year's 71% and 78% average.
Pasture and range conditions rated 1% very poor, 9% poor, 25% fair, 52% good, and 13% excellent, well above last year's 56% good or excellent condition.
Nebraska Field Office
USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service
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