UNL Webinars Focus on ACRE or DCP Selection - UNL CropWatch, April 24, 2013

UNL Webinars Focus on ACRE or DCP Selection - UNL CropWatch, April 24, 2013

April 24, 2013

In January Congress extended the 2008 farm bill to cover agricultural production in 2013. This extension requires producers to reselect which FSA farm program they will enroll in: the traditional DCP program or the newer ACRE program. To help producers with this decision, UNL extension agricultural economists will be hosting a webinar on how each program has performed and how it is expected to perform for 2013.

Webinar Access

The same information was to be presented at both webinars.


The webinar will be hosted on two dates, April 29 and May 3, from 10:30 a.m. to noon CT. Both webinar sessions will present the same information.

Producers will be able to re-educate themselves on the functional workings of the ACRE and DCP programs, as well as get expert analysis on how these programs might extend risk management protection in the near future. Ag economists will demonstrate the updated Nebraska ACRE Model Excel® program available at agecon.unl.edu/farmbill.

Scheduled speakers include

  • Brad Lubben, UNL extension public policy specialist, and
  • Tim Lemmons, UNL extension educator.

Webinar Access

The public is invited to access the live webinar online at http://connect.unl.edu/farmbillmeeting or at one of the viewing sites where discussion will be facilitated. The webinar will be recorded and made available later on CropWatch.unl.edu.

Download Sites
  • Blair — Washington County Extension Office, 597 Grant Street, May 3 only
  • Concord — UNL Haskell Ag Lab, 57905 866 Road, May 3 only
  • Fairbury — Jefferson County Extension Office, 517 F St., April 29 and May 3
  • Imperial — Chase County Extension Office, 135 West 5th St., April 29 and May 3
  • Lincoln — Lancaster County Extension Office, 444 Cherrycreek Road, April 29 and May 3
  • Ord — Valley County Extension Office, 801 S St., Suite 1 (Fairgrounds), April 29 and May 3
  • Tekamah — Burt County Courthouse, 111 N. 13th St., May 3 only
  • West Point — Cuming County Extension Office, Cuming County Courthouse, April 29 only

 Registration for this event is not required. For questions, please contact Tim Lemmons at 402-370-4061.

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