UNL Offering In-depth Forage Course This Summer

UNL Offering In-depth Forage Course This Summer

April 4, 2008 

Course: ASCI 896/AGRO 896
Independent Study (Forage Quality)
3 credit hours

Forages are the major component of grazing livestock diets. Understanding the factors that influence forage value and how these factors are evaluated is essential for individuals pursuing advanced studies in grazing livestock systems management, ruminant nutrition, and forage and range science.

An independent study course being offered through UNL this summer will provide an in-depth study of the chemical characteristics of forage components and the interactions with ruminant physiology and digestion that influence forage feeding value. It also will cover the laboratory procedures used to evaluate forages for grazing livestock.

Students should have an understanding of the basic principles of chemistry, ruminant nutrition, and plant physiology so that they can develop an understanding of the chemical characteristics of forages and how they affect the value of forages to grazing livestock.

This online course will be offered through UNL in the second five-week summer session in 2008. Please contact Dennis Brink, animal science professor, (402-472-6446, dbrink2@unl.edu) or Walter Schacht, agronomy professor, (402-472-0205, wschacht1@unl.edu) for further details and registration information.

The class is expected to include: students from regional universities and colleges, personnel from state and federal agencies, and a variety of other people interested in the principles of forage quality and evaluation for grazing livestock.

Walter Schacht
UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

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