November 5, 2012
The following publications were recently published or revised by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension and are available on the Web. Visit the Extension Publications Website to view hundreds of publications for the farm, ranch, home or small business. Also vist to check out printed publication, programs, and webinars.
EC290 Grazing Cornstalks: A Decision Support Tool to Evaluate the Economics.
This extension circular and the related Excel® spreadsheet provide a decision support mechanism related to grazing cornstalks. The spreadsheet can help you estimate the costs and returns associated with grazing cornstalks as well as the effects of grazing.
A related publication, released earlier this fall, is Baling Corn Residue (EC711). This extension circular and related Excel spreadsheet can help you evaluate the economics of baling your corn residue. Using this spreadsheet, you can input information specific to your fields and operation to assess the costs and benefits of baling corn residue.
EC2505 Managing the Risk of Pesticide Poisoning and Understanding the Signs and Symptoms. While most pesticides can be used with relatively little risk when label directions are followed, some are extremely toxic and require special precautions. Learn how to recognize common pesticide poisonings and what to do when they occur. (Revised October 2012)
G1219 Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides The Worker Protection Standard (WPS) protects agricultural employees from exposure to agricultural pesticides. Find out whether, as an employer, you are covered or exempt from the WPS and learn how to comply with it. (Revised September 2012)
- G2179 Protecting Pesticide Sensitive Crops. This NebGuide examines how to protect sensitive crops such as those found on organic and traditional commercial farms or in vineyards, from pesticide injury. It also covers how to use Nebraska Driftwatch, a Web-based locater for sensitive commercial crops and bee hives.