UNL CropWatch May 7, 2010: No-till Field Day June 9 near Thayer

UNL CropWatch May 7, 2010: No-till Field Day June 9 near Thayer

May 7, 2010

The Scott Gonnerman farm near Thayer will be the site of a no-till field day June 9 in York County.  The farm is 3 miles east and 1 mile north of Thayer (21st and T) in York County. Speakers will address various aspects of no-till, the value of crop diversity, and irrigation scheduling.

Speakers will include:

  • Dr. Ray Ward of Ward Laboratories, Inc in Kearney
  • Paul Jasa, UNL Extension Engineer, Lincoln
  • Dan Leininger, NRD Water Conservationist, Upper Big Blue NRD
  • Brian and Keith Burns, Green Cover Seed of Bladen
  • Dan Gillespie, NRCS No-Till Educator, Battle Creek
  • Jim Schneider, UNL Extension Educator, Hamilton County

The field day starts with registration at 9 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. Lunch is sponsored by the Upper Big Blue NRD. Coffee and rolls will be provided by Cornerstone Bank. The event is free for those who pre-register. To pre-register, call the Upper Big Blue NRD at (402) 362-6601 by June 7.  A $10 fee will be charged to those who don't pre-register. 

Jim Schneider
Extension Educator, Hamilton County


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