UNL CropWatch June 15, 2010: New UNL Website Shares Tractor Permit Status

UNL CropWatch June 15, 2010: New UNL Website Shares Tractor Permit Status

June 15, 2010

The Nebraska Tractor Test Laboratory has a new page on its website that compiles permit information on tractor models, from Allis to Zetor.

The site can be found at the test lab's main website, http://tractortestlab.unl.edu/; click on permits. It will be useful for dealers who need to know where a specific model is in the permitting process — whether it's been tested and permitted, or perhaps temporarily permitted and awaiting testing, said Roger Hoy, director of the UNL lab.

"Periodically, a customer will call and want a certain model tractor, and the dealer doesn't always know whether it's legal for sale," Hoy said.
"Dealers wanted a single, authoritative source where they could get this information."

In the past, people wanting to determine if a tractor model was permitted for sale in Nebraska needed to research several information sources or rely on their own experience. The new website developed by the tractor test lab and the Iowa Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association (http://www.ineda.com/), compiles all of the necessary information at one location. INEDA is a member-owned trade association representing about 150 dealers with more than 3,000 employees in Nebraska.

The Nebraska Tractor Test Law may be found on the Nebraska Department of
Agriculture's website at: http://www.agr.ne.gov/regulate/wam/actw.htm
"INEDA was very instrumental in identifying the need that this website fulfills and in evaluating the site to ensure the need was met," Hoy said.

Hoy also noted that state Sen. Dave Pankonin of Louisville, a longtime supporter of the lab and INEDA, also has been instrumental in the effort.

IANR News Service

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