April 16, 2010
Wheat production and marketing are among the focus topics on this weekend's Market Journal with host Doug Jose.
Bob Klein, extension western Nebraska crops specialist, discusses wheat condition in west central and western Nebraska and Paul Burgener, extension agricultural economics analyst, discusses the wheat market and current options. He says that while wheat stocks have declined slightly, the world stocks-to-use ratio is still near 30%.
Other features and guests this week include:
Sprayer calibration and testing for spring pesticide applications with Bob Klein
Weather updat with Al Dutcher, Nebraska state climatologist
Broadcast Times
NET1 – Saturday, 7 a.m. CT
NET2 – Sunday, 9 a.m. CT
Dish Network, Channel 9411
Friday, 12:30 p.m. CT
Sunday, 9:30 p.m. CT
Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. CT