Soybean Planting Nearly Done; 50% of State's Wheat Very Poor to Poor - UNL CropWatch, June 20

Soybean Planting Nearly Done; 50% of State's Wheat Very Poor to Poor - UNL CropWatch, June 20

June 10, 2013

By June 9, most of the state's soybeans had been planted and dry bean, proso millet, and sunflower seeding were underway  in the west, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office.

The first fields of wheat were turning color with southern counties expecting to begin harvest the first week of July. Temperatures ranged from 2 to 8 degrees below normal across the state with portions of eastern and central Nebraska receiving up to 1 inch of rain.

Topsoil moisture supplies rated 6% very short, 21% short, 69% adequate, and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 23% very short, 35% short, 41% adequate, and 1% surplus.

Crop Reports
  • Corn conditions rated 0% very poor, 2% poor, 23% fair, 65% good, 10% excellent. The crop was 91% emerged, behind last year’s 100% and 97% average.
  • Soybean conditions rated 0% very poor, 2% poor, 23% fair, 67% good, 8% excellent. Soybeans were 94% planted, behind last year’s 100% and equal to the five-year average. Seventy-one percent of the crop had emerged, well behind last year’s 96% and the average of 81%.
  • Sorghum conditions rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 32% fair, 49% good, 12% excellent. Eighty-four percent had been planted, behind 92% last year but ahead of the 81% average. Fifty percent had emerged, behind last year's 76%, but only slight behind the 55% average.
  • Wheat conditions rated 22% very poor, 28% poor, 36% fair, 13% good, and 1% excellent. Approximately 95% of the crop had jointed, slightly behind 100% last year and the average of 98%. Sixty-one percent of the crop had headed, well behind 100% last year and over one week behind the 83% average. Wheat turning color was 1%, behind 78% last year and the 20% average.
  • Proso millet was 41% planted, behind last year at 69% but ahead of 28% average.
  • Oat conditions rated 3% very poor, 13% poor, 32% fair, 48% good, and 4% excellent. Oats headed were 19%, behind last year’s 76% and 42% average.
  • Dry bean planting was 62% complete, behind last year’s 71% but ahead of 57% average. Thirteen percent had emerged, compared to 27% last year and 18% average.
  • Alfalfa conditions was 3% very poor, 14% poor, 34% fair, 44% good, and 5% excellent. Alfalfa first cutting was 30% complete, behind last year’s 91% and 56% average.
  • Pasture and range condition was 15% very poor, 31% poor, 36% fair, 16% good, and 2% excellent. Hay and forage supplies rated 34% very short, 39% short, 27% adequate, and 0 surplus.


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