Southeast Nebraska Wheat Variety Tour May 29 near Wilber

Southeast Nebraska Wheat Variety Tour May 29 near Wilber

May 18, 2012

Learn the latest information on wheat varieties and see how 30 varieties performed at a May 29 field day. Dennis Broz of Wilber will be hosting the southeast Nebraska UNL Extension Wheat Variety Plot tour. The event will begin at 6 p.m. with a complimentary meal at the field site, followed by a field tour at 6:30 p.m. The research plot includes several experimental numbers.

Tour stop speakers will include: 

  • Teshome Regassa, UNL Extension Educator who manages the UNL wheat variety trials, will answer grower questions.
  • Stephen Baenziger, UNL professor and wheat breeder, will discuss variety options for southeast Nebraska. This is the earliest wheat season since Baenziger started keeping wheat breeding records. The expected early harvest will give growers an expanded window of time for double crop options,” said Pryor.
  • Stephen Wegulo, UNL extension plant pathologist, is following the spread of stripe rust and barley yellow dwarf diseases in southern Nebraska and will discuss wheat disease management.
  • Bob Wright, UNL extension entomologist, will cover wheat insect issues and answer grower questions.
  • Paul Hay, extension educator in Gage County, will cover nutrient needs for high yielding wheat
  • Randy Pryor, extension educator in Saline County, will address emerging issues for wheat growers

Several area agribusinesses are sponsoring the evening meal. In case of rain, the meeting will start at the Saline County Extension office in Wilber at 306 West 3rd St.

Driving Directions 

From the corner of highways 41 and 241 (Swanton Spur) west of Wilber, go one mile south and ½ mile west. The field is on the south side of the road.

For more information about the field day, contact Randy Pryor at the UNL Extension office in Saline County at 402-821-2151 or e-mail

Randy Pryor, Extension Educator
Saline County


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