SCN Field Days August 27-30 - UNL CropWatch, Aug. 10, 2012

SCN Field Days August 27-30 - UNL CropWatch, Aug. 10, 2012

August 10, 2012

It's estimated that last year soybean cyst nematodes cost Nebraska farmers over $45 million in lost yields. Identifying fields where they're present and implementing management measures can help you recapture this lost yield.

UNL Extension will be hosting a series of meetings in late August in central and eastern Nebraska to help producers learn more about managing this pest.  At each site you will be able to:

  • Also see:

    Drought Stress May Make Scouting for SCN Easier
  • See SCN-resistant and susceptible soybean varieties
  • Examine cysts on infested soybean plant roots
  • Learn how to identify and manage SCN infestations
  • Receive a kit for one free SCN analysis ($20 value)
  • Talk with specialists to get the answers you need about SCN
  • Enjoy a complimentary meal


SCN Field Days will be held at the following locations:

Laurel — Monday, August 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jerry Johnson farm
Directions:  From Laurel, go 7.25 miles north on Highway 15, then 2.8 miles east on 877th Road (south side)

Hastings — Tuesday, August 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Neil Beck farm
Directions:  From Hastings, go 4 miles east on Highway 6, then 1 mile south on Maxon Road, 0.5 mile east on “J” Street. (north side)

Bellwood — Wednesday, August 29, 5:30 p.m. at the Pete C. Schmidt and Sons Field Day
Directions:  From Bellwood, go 5.5 miles west on Highway 64 (1 mile east of junction of Hwy 81 and 64), 1 mile south on Rd B and 0.25 miles east on Rd 40 (north side)

Plattsmouth — Thursday, August 30, 1:30 p.m. at Partners in Progress (Wiles Brothers Farm)
Directions:  From Plattsmouth, go 0.5 mile south on Hwy 75 and 0.5 mile west on Wiles Road (north side)

More Information

For more information on these events, contact

John Wilson
Extension Educator in Burt County

Loren Giesler
Extension Plant Pathologist

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