Extension Offering Precision Ag Training
July 2, 2015
Precision agriculture will be the focus of a July 14 Crop Management Clinic at the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research and Development Center (ARDC) near Mead.
Topics and presenters include:
- Thermal Infrared Imaging for High Spatial and Temporal Resolution of Crop Water Stress Monitoring of Corn — Ajay Sharda, assistant professor, Kansas State University
- Mobile Apps for Crop Production — Nathan Mueller, Nebraska extension educator
- Project SENSE, Demonstrating In-Season Crop Canopy Sensor-Based N Application — Joe Luck, Nebraska Extension precision ag engineer, and Laura Thompson, Nebraska extension educator
- Pesticide Spray Application Considerations — Greg Kruger, Nebraska extension weed science and application technology specialist
- Technologies for Improving In-Season Applications — Dylan Spatz, precision ag specialist, Riggins Ag Equipment
- Technologies for In-Season Crop Scouting — Nate Karl, technology sales specialist, and Scott Miller, technology sales specialist, SITech
- Future Agricultural Data Collection, Management, and Usage — Randy Nuss, director of engineering, Farmobile
Those attending the precision ag training in 2014 gave the program high reviews with 95% stating that the program was above average or one of the best when considering training opportunities available to them. Many participants noted that the speakers and topics were "excellent." A participant noted the following, "Speakers were very good, extremely informative and well worth my time and money. They covered topics that I wanted to know more about, which was awesome!"
The clinic with registration at 7:15 a.m., followed by the program at 8 a.m. Participants will meet at the University of Nebraska ARDC's August N. Christenson Research and Education Building.
A total of 7.5 Certified Crop Adviser credits (soil and water management, 1.5; crop management, 1.0; nutrient management, 1.0; and pest management, 3.0) have been applied for and are pending approval for this clinic.
Early registration is recommended to reserve a seat and resource materials. Cost for the clinic is $170 for those registering one week in advance and $220 after that date.
For more information or to register, contact Nebraska Extension CMDC Programs, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE 68033, call (800) 529-8030, fax (402) 624-8010, e-mail cdunbar2@unl.edu or visit the Web at http://ardc.unl.edu/training.shtml.
Other 2015 Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics include:
- July 15, midsummer clinic;
- Aug. 26, physical, chemical and biological properties of soil; and
- Aug. 27, late season clinic. All are being held at the ARDC near Mead.