Online Crop and Ag Courses through UNL Agronomy

Online Crop and Ag Courses through UNL Agronomy

November 26, 2008

Because education is not a "one-size-fits-all" proposition, UNL's Department of Agronomy and Horticulture offers a variety of online courses and workshops to meet the needs of non-degree-seeking students and life-long learners. The following spring 2009 online courses and workshop are available for both academic credit and noncredit professional development. Individuals interested in taking courses on a noncredit basis can registeronline through the ADEC eStore at: Unless otherwise noted, the noncredit registration fee for all courses is $150.

For more information about these and other extended education opportunities offered through UNL's Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, please contact Cathy Dickinson, 279 Plant Sciences Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583, or call (402) 472-1730.

Spring 2009 Online Courses

Animal, Food & Industry Uses of Grain: Jan. 12 - Feb. 27, 2009
Mini-course introduces students to production practices and procedures for drying, handling and storing grain intended for special end-uses. Topics include processing and utilization of corn and sorghum grain for animal, human and industrial uses, and grain quality characteristics for various end-uses and their measurement.

Production of Specialty Grain Crops: March 2 - April 17, 2009
Mini-course introduces students to production and handling of grain for animal, food and industrial uses. Topics include the principles of plant breeding and molecular genetics; the influence of production practices on grain quality; and preservation of grain quality from field to processor, with emphasis on grain drying, storage and handling practices on the farm and in the elevator. Case studies involving successful specialty grain entrepreneurs are also presented.

Specialty Grain Utilization Package: Jan. 12 - April 17, 2009
Includes both of the above courses. Registration Fee: $250

Integrated Weed Management

  • Workshop: Feb. 18, 2009, UNL East Campus Union
  • IWM Package: Workshop & Online Mini-Course: Feb. 18 - May 1, 2009 

One-day workshop February 18 designed to provide agribusiness professionals and producers with a working understanding of integrated weed management principles as a basis for understanding weed control issues in both conventional and organic cropping systems. Topics include the importance of weed biology and ecology; critical periods of weed control and weed thresholds; weed shifts and why they occur; flaming as a weed control tool; and herbicide-resistant crops. For individuals wanting more in-depth coverage of subject matter, the IWM Package is available. It includes both the workshop and online mini-course (workshop will be taped and available for viewing as part of mini-course). Cost: $75 for workshop; $150 for IWM Package. After February 11, prices increase to $100 for workshop; $200 for Package. Fees include all workshop materials, lunch and parking permit.

Turf & Landscape Weed Management: March 2 - May 1, 2009
Mini-course provides comprehensive study of weed biology and control as applied to turfgrass and landscape management. The course examines the specifics of weed management and related control strategies, including non-chemical methods. Students learn basic terminology and concepts, as well as why weeds appear, persist and dominate in turf and landscapes.

Cross-Pollinated Crop Breeding: March 25 - April 23, 2009
Mini-course examines standard breeding methods and theories associated with population improvement of cross-pollinated crops, i.e., corn, alfalfa, sunflowers and forage grasses, and self-pollinated crops that are forced to cross-pollinate.

Online Master of Science in Agronomy

With a focus on industry applications and research, the online program is designed with maximum flexibility for today's working professionals.

Rows of corn.

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