Celebrate National Agricultural Safety Awareness Week March 6-12 by taking time now to brush up on ag safety tips and share them with family and others working on the farm, particularly youth who may be assisting in new ways for the first time.
Any time questions come up, from equipment safety to respiratory issues to zoonotic diseases, there is a one-stop website for farmers to get reliable, practical safety and health information.
The National Ag Safety Database (NASD) is the most widely recognized and used online collection of educational resources related to human health and safety in production agriculture. Supported by the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH), NASD is an easy-to-search database containing educational resources and training modules that have been developed by educators, safety professionals, health care providers and researchers from across the U.S.
Visit NASD to answer your farm health and safety questions. New materials are added weekly.