November 28, 2012
The Northeast Research and Extension Center and Holt County Extension Office will host the 2012 North Central Nebraska Ag Progress Show on Dec. 11 in Atkinson.
The program will include presentations by UNL faculty and staff on crop and beef production systems, commercial exhibits, and lunch.
Research presentations will include:
- How Herbicide-Resistant Weeds Will Change Weed Control Programs in the Next Decade with Robert Wilson, UNL Extension Weed Management Specialist
- Pasture Management Following Drought with Bruce Anderson, UNL Extension Forage Specialist
- Benefits of and Tips to Achieving a Short Calving Season with Rick Funston, UNL Extension Beef Specialist
- Corn Diseases Update: What Could Be Lurking in your Soil and Crops? with Tamra Jackson-Ziems, UNL Extension Plant Pathology Specialist for Corn
- Use of Corn Residue as a Feed for Beef Cows – Facts and Fiction with Rick Rasby, UNL Extension Beef Specialist
- Ensuring Water Application Efficiency for Center Pivots with Bill Kranz, UNL Extension Irrigation Specialist
- Use of Drought-Damaged Corn Silage and the Impact of Low Test Weight Corn and Distillers Grains This Year with Galen Erickson, UNL Extension Beef Feedlot Specialist
The Ag Progress Show will be held in the Atkinson Community Center, 206 W. 5th St. from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 11.
Attendees can enter a door prize drawing for two tickets to the Aug. 31, 2013 Nebraska-Wyoming football game.
For more information on the event, contact Amy Timmerman at the Holt County Extension Office at 402-336-2760.