No-Till On The Plains Whirlwind Expo

No-Till On The Plains Whirlwind Expo

August 22, 2008


8 a.m. Registration
9 a.m. Welcome

9:15 a.m. Rainfall Simulator/Soil Quality
Paul Jasa, Extension Engineer, UNL Extension; Dan Gillespie, NRCS Nebraska No-Till Specialist; Kathy Buttle, NRCS, Resource Conservationist, Scottsbluff
10:45 a.m. No-till Soil Pit
Ray Ward, Owner, Ward Laboratories; Paul Jasa; Kristine Nichols, Soil Microbiologist, ARS, Mandan, ND

Lunch and afternoon program
Alliance American Legion Hall, 1504 W 3rd St.

Interaction of Microbes and Cropping Systems
Kristine Nichols, Soil Microbiologist, ARS, Mandan, ND
Cropping Systems
Mark Watson, Panhandle No-till Educator
Importance of Stand Establishment/No-till Equipment
Paul Jasa

No-till on the Plains is conducting a field event Sept. 3 in northwest Nebraska, featuring presentations by experienced local no-tillers and educators and experts. Presentations, designed to help producers increase profitability, will help producers gain a better understanding of soils and their reactions to fertility, improve water quality, and increase efficiency with new rotations and sequencing of crops.

The event is partially funded through a grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust, administered through PrairieLand RC&D. The event will begin at 9 a.m. at the Watson Brothers' farm located at 1561 County Road 61 near Alliance. Attendees can take Jefferson Road 4 miles east of Berea to County Road 61 and then go 1/2 mile north.

The Expo will feature on-site soil pits and in-field demonstrations. Growers will be able to view a rainfall simulator and the impact of continuous no-till on soil structure and biology. A catered lunch at the Alliance American Legion Hall will be provided to those who pre-register.

Previous expo attendees identifying some of the benefits, noted: "Using an actual farm setting to discuss a continuous no-till system; seeing first-hand the [soil] pits and effects of cover crops; field observations; smooth registration; the rainfall simulator presentation was great — you could hear a pin drop — he had everyone's attention; farmer input; field demonstrations; cover crops; equipment; the speakers; and information on fertilizer and organic matter."

No-till on the Plains is a regional organization that reaches over 3,000 farmers yearly. The farmer-run group promotes practical and scientific application of continuous no-till farming.


To preregister by August 27 for this tour, contact No-Till on the Plains at 888-330-5142, register online at, or contact your local NRCS office. Cost is $30 for preregistrations postmarked by August 27 or $60 at the door. (Lunch not guaranteed for walk-ins.)

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No-Till On the Plains

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