No-till on the Plains Programs at 3 Nebraska Sites, Aug. 28, 30, 31 - UNL CropWatch, Aug. 20, 201

No-till on the Plains Programs at 3 Nebraska Sites, Aug. 28, 30, 31 - UNL CropWatch, Aug. 20, 201

August 20, 2012

The No-Till on the Plains Whirlwind Expos next week will offer three workshops in Nebraska focusing on ways to increase profitability and improve soil health with no-till production. The all-day workshops will be August 28 in Alliance, August 30 in Spencer, and August 31 in Broken Bow.



AllianceTuesday, August 28: 8 a.m. registration at the Knight Museum and Sandhills Center, 908 Yellowstone St. Bring your lawn chair.  Indoor presentations and later tours of the Watson Brothers Farm.

SpencerThursday, August 30: 8 a.m. registration at the Nick Keller Farm, 3 miles west of Spencer on Hwy 12. Bring your lawn chair. The lunch and afternoon program will be at the Spencer Community Hall.

Broken Bow – Friday, August 31: 8:00 a.m. registration at Huckleberry’s Hideout, 9625 S. 10th Ave.

The presenters, most of whom are long-term, continuous no-tillers, will address topics to help growers improve their operation’s profitability while providing long-term protection for their soil resources. Programs at each site may vary slightly so check for more information. Lunch is included.

At each site, preregistration will be at 8 a.m., followed by presentations from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The program will begin with a welcome by Brian Lindley, executive director of No-till on the Plains, Inc., Wamego, Kan. Other speakers will include:

  • Ray Ward, soil scientist and president of Ward Laboratories, Kearney, who will address soil health and fertility management. The Spencer site will include a soil pit where attendees can see the effects of various practices on soil health
  • Paul Jasa, UNL Extension Engineer, on equipment for no-till and long-term benefits of system management, including recommendations on equipment adjustments
  • Mark Watson, Alliance, no-till education coordinator for western Nebraska and continuous no-till producer since 1994, on his experiences with no-till, residue management and economical aspects of cover crops. Watson and his brother Bruce were selected as 2007 Nebraska Master Conservationists
  • Gail Fuller, Emporia, Kan., who has been dryland farming with continuous no-till since 1995, on his experiences with no-till and cover crops
  • Dan Gillespie, NRCS no-till specialist and continuous no-till producer for over 20 years, on factors affecting soil erosion, including a demonstration with the rainfall simulator

Registration and Information

Preregistration is required by August 24. Cost for the one-day workshop, including lunch, is $30. For more information on the Whirlwind No-till Expo or to preregister, contact No-till on the Plains, Inc., at 888-330-5142 or register online at You can also email

No-till on the Plains is a producer-driven, regional organization providing no-till education in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. These programs are co-sponsored by The Nebraska Environmental Trust, UNL Extension, and USDA NRCS.



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