The New American Farm: Advancing the Frontier of Sustainable Agriculture

The New American Farm: Advancing the Frontier of Sustainable Agriculture

February 2008

SARE Announces 20th Anniversary Conference

Registrations are now being accepted for the New American Farm Conference, the 20th anniversary conference for the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. It will be held March 25-27at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri.

Intended to shine a spotlight on SARE's innovative projects and impact, communicate the program's vision for the next 20 years, and engage the sustainable community in dialogue to achieve common goals, the event will feature 20 years of groundbreaking SARE-funded research, experience and innovations in sustainable agriculture.

"SARE envisions an enduring American agriculture of the highest quality," said Jill Auburn, SARE Director. "This agriculture is profitable, protects the nation's land and water and is a force for a rewarding way of life for farmers and ranchers whose quality products and operations sustain their communities and society."

SARE's New American Farm conference is open to farmers, ranchers, teachers, researchers, students, advocates — or simply curious consumers. Anyone is welcome who wants to learn more about groundbreaking work in the exciting and rapidly expanding field of sustainable agriculture in America. Conference attendees will:


  • gather new insights from pioneering producers, educators, researchers, and advocates.
  • experience innovative production and marketing techniques
  • featured on tours of over 35 farms and research facilities.
  • learn about groundbreaking advancements and discuss emerging opportunities in 40 workshops and breakouts; and
  • explore nearly 100 posters displaying cutting-edge SARE funded research and education project results.

The closing plenary session will be presented by Shoshanah Inwood, the winner of SARE's New Voices Contest. Winning entries from SARE's Photo Contest also will be on display.

For a full schedule of events, visit archive/-/asset_publisher/VHeSpfv0Agju/content/

To register, call (573) 882-8320 or visit archive/-/asset_publisher/VHeSpfv0Agju/content/ Call (614) 306-6422 or email to request a print conference flier and registration form by mail. Individual registration rates are $250 per individual, inclusive of all conference meals.

Registrations made after March 1 require a late fee and must be made online or by telephone. Registration closes March 19. Requests for refunds due to cancellation must be received in writing by March 1. Refunds will not be issued after March 1.

SARE works with producers, researchers, and educators to promote farming systems that are profitable, environmentally sound, and good for communities. For more information about grants and other resources available through SARE, visit

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