March 28, 2013
December 2018 Note: This app is not currently available.
Intended Audience: Pesticide applicators, farmers, agronomists, consultants
Purpose of App: To assist pesticide applicators making ground applications with decisions relating to droplet size and potential for "off-target" movement of pesticides.
Fit for Nebraska: This droplet size calculator pertains to every pesticide applicator in the US who is using commonly used hydraulic nozzles for self-propelled, pull-behind, or tractor mounted sprayers. The application allows for rapid assessment of the potential for drift. Spray applicators with pressure nozzles that are producing a lot of small fines (with a high potential for drift) can use the app to find other combinations which would produce fewer fines. The application is a unique tool to assess droplet size and drift potential and rapidly allows the researchers to provide pesticide applicators with the most current information available.
App Reviewer: Greg Kruger, UNL Extension Cropping Systems Specialist
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