On this week's Market Journal, host Jeff Wilkerson takes us along with the MJ crew to Brazil and Argentina where they saw saw Brazil's soybean boom. With a good finish to the growing season and favorable weather during harvest, Brazil could overtake the United States as the world's number one soybean producer. The USDA is estimating Brazil's harvest at 89 million metric tons (MMT) and its neighbor Argentina's at 54.5 MMT. In 2013 the US soybean crop was a little more than 89.5 MMT.
Also on this week's program:
- Market Analysis — Elaine Kub, author of "Mastering the Grain Markets," talks about the positive week for soybeans, the South American harvest, and selling options for corn.
- U.S. Cattle Inventory — The USDA's Cattle Inventory shows U.S. farmers and ranchers are holding the fewest number of cattle and calves since 1951. Kate Brooks, UNL Extension livestock economist, analyzes the report and discusses the 2014 outlook for the cattle industry.
- 2014 Crop Budgets — Roger Wilson, UNL Extension budget enterprise analyst, outlines the 2014 crop budgets for Nebraska. (Also see CW budget article and 2014 budgets.)
- Weather Forecast — Al Dutcher, UNL Extension state climatologist, gives his forecast for the coming week.
Next Week
Roy Smith will analyze how corn and soybean markets reacted to the USDA's
latest supply and demand report. Tina Barrett will talk about farm income levels in
2013 and 2014. We will also show you the growing challenges that farmers in Brazil and Argentina face during a normal year, including disease and insect pressures,
storage conditions, and production costs.
Broadcast Times
Market Journal — television for agricultural business decisions — is funded by the Nebraska Soybean Board.
View this week's program, as well as previous programs, online at marketjournal.unl.edu and watch for future broadcasts on these networks.
- NET1 – Saturday, 7 a.m. CT
- NET2 – Sunday, 9 a.m. CT
- Podcast on iTunes
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