Grasshoppers of Nebraska website — UNL Department of Entomology
News articles, identification, biololgy and management of grasshoppers, insecticide recommendations, resources.
Grasshoppers of Nebraska Field Guide, IANR publications EB3 (PDF; 142 pages) Color plates, species descriptions, coverage maps and more.
Grasshopper Control Publications
A Guide to Grasshopper Control on Rangeland, NebGuide G1630
This NebGuide discusses effects of grasshoppers on rangeland, how to manage rangeland to minimize grasshopper impact, how to monitor grasshopper populations, and how to select and apply insecticides registered for grasshoppers when control measures are needed.
Grasshopper Identification Guide for Rangeland Grasshoppers - Fall/Spring Feeding Species, EC1567
Photos and descriptive details to aid in the identification of the major summer feeding grasshopper species in Nebraska range and pastures. Also includes biology and management as well as illustrations to identify the growth stage of nymphs.
A Guide to Grasshopper Control in Cropland, NebGuide G1627
Grasshoppers primarily damage wheat, alfalfa, soybeans and corn but can feed and seriously damage almost any crop, tree, shrub and/or home garden during years of high population. This guide provides information on the life cycle of the grasshopper and cropland damage control measures. PDF version
Grasshopper Identification Guide for Cropland Grasshoppers - Summer Feeding Species, EC1569
Photos and descriptions to identify the major summer feeding grasshopper species in Nebraska cropland. Also includes biology and management as well as illustrations to identify the growth stage of nymphs.
Grasshoppers of Nebraska, EB3 (PDF, 142 color pages)
This field guide to Nebraska grasshoppers includes color plates, species descriptions, coverage maps and more.
Justin MeMechan
Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist
(402) 472-2312
Faculty Bio

Julie Peterson
Entomology Extension Specialist
(308) 696-6704
Faculty Bio

Jeff Bradshaw
Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program
(308) 632-1230
Faculty Bio