The following Nebraska Extension resources offer photos, identification guides, and insecticides for insects commonly found in alfalfa:
- Alfalfa Insects I — Photos and identification information for insect pests of alfalfa in Nebraska, including alfalfa weevil; clover leaf weevil; blister beetles; army, variegated and dingy cutworms, alfalfa caterpillar, and the green cloverworm.
- Alfalfa Insects II — Photos and identification information for insect pests of alfalfa in Nebraska, including the pea, spotted alfalfa, cowpea, and blue alfalfa aphids; potato leafhopper; and plant bug.
- Insecticides for Field Crops — including current alfalfa pest management information from UNL Extension. (The guide is excerpted from Nebraska Extension's Guide for Weed, Disease and Insect Management in Nebraska.)
- Insect Almanac — a website of the UNL Department of Entomology.
- CropWatch News — Search for tmely articles on identifying and treating alfalfa insects.
Justin MeMechan
Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist
(402) 624-8041
Jeff Bradshaw
Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program
(308) 632-1230