High Plains Advanced Cropping School for Sunflowers Aug. 16-17

High Plains Advanced Cropping School for Sunflowers Aug. 16-17

August 10, 2012

Sunflower producers and professionals will be getting in-depth, field-oriented, hands-on training next week at the 2012 Panhandle Advanced Cropping School for Sunflowers. The two-day cropping workshop will cover sunflower production management.

UNL HPAL sunflower field near Sidney
Figure 1. A sunflower field at UNL's High Plains Ag Lab near Sidney.  (Photo by Gary Stone)

Registration is now closed for the training, which will be held at UNL’s Panhandle Research and Extension Center at Scottsbluff, but be watching for future opportunities.

Topics next week will focus on diagnosis of sunflower production problems in the western Great Plains and production regions of the Rocky Mountains. Special emphasis will be placed on stress-related problems that can cause yield reduction. The keynote address, Sunflower Markets and Quality, will be presented by Larry Kleingartner, past executive director, National Sunflower Association.

Other topics and speakers, all of whom are from UNL unless otherwise noted, include:

  • Sunflower Hybrids and Growth Stages in the High Plains with Dipak Santra, alternative crops breeding specialist, and Drew Lyon, dryland cropping systems specialist
  • Herbicide injury to sunflowers with Robert Wilson, weeds specialist
  • Sunflower insects in the High Plains, with Jeff Bradshaw, entomologist
  • Identifying sunflower diseases and distinguishing between them with Bob Harveson, plant pathologist
  • Irrigation and nutrient management in sunflowers with Jim Schild, extension educator; Gary Hergert, soil and nutrient management specialist; and Gary Stone, extension educator
  • Sunflower planting and harvest yield loss assessment with John Nowatski, agricultural machine systems specialist, North Dakota State University

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