Herbicide-Resistant Weed Management Field Days July 11, 12 - UNL CropWatch, June 15, 2012
June 15, 2012
Limiting the development and spread of herbicide-resistant weeds will be the focus of two field days to be held July 11 at Big Springs and July 12 at David City. Guest speaker will be Jason Norsworthy, associate professor in the University of Arkansas Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences. Norsworthy, a national speaker on the problem of herbicide resistance, will address how glyphosate-resistant weeds are changing agriculture in the southern U.S. and what that may mean for weed control in the northern Great Plains.
Programs at each site will begin with registration at 9 a.m., a welcome, and tours beginning at 9:30 a.m. The keynote speaker will be during the noon hour, with the program expected to end by 1:30 p.m.
Field Studies on the Tour
Glyphosate Dose Response. See how resistant weeds respond to increasing rates of glyphosate.
Management Systems. Study various herbicide programs and their effectiveness at controlling a glyphosate-resistant weed population.
Liberty Link Soybean. See how Liberty Link Systems can be used to sustainably manage weeds.
Dicamba-Resistant Soybean. View demonstrations of how dicamba-resistant soybean can provide another post-emergence tool for weed management.
Carrier Rate. See the impact of carrier rate on several herbicides. This stop will also address the importance of effective herbicide applications to manage the development of weed resistance.
Sponsored by UNL Extension and the Nebraska Soybean Board, programs at both sites will be similar, except where local challenges are addressed, such as glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed at David City and glyphosate-resistant kochia at Big Springs
Big Springs: From Big Springs, take Nebraska Hwy30 east about two miles, turn north on Road West P and travel about five miles. At Road West 120 turn right and travel east about 0.5 miles. The meeting registration will be in the new shed.
David City: From Hwy 15 in David City, turn west on East A St., then continue west for 2 blocks and look for the UNL field signs.
The event is free but preregistration is required by July 6 so plans can be made for the complimentary meal, teaching resources, and tour logistics. Register online at http://agronomy.unl.edu/weedresistmgt.
For more information contact:
Lowell Sandell 402-472-1527 lsandell2@unl.edu |
Greg Kruger 308-696-6715 greg.kruger@unl.edu |
Stevan Knezevic 402-584-3808 sknezevic2@unl.edu |
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