June 14, 2012
Paul Hay, Extension Educator in Gage County: The situation here is desperate, especially in southern Gage County. Dryland corn has been badly hurt by the lack of precipitation and soil moisture and crop insurance has declared the first fields 100% losses. Many others will follow soon without repeated rains. Pastures are drying up along with water sources for those pastures. (6/14/2012)
Karen DeBoer, Extension Educator in Cheyenne County: Spotty storms dumped heavy rain and two-inch diameter hail in the Sidney area June 7, causing localized flooding. Most rains have been spotty and some areas are very dry. The wheat is in various stages of development ranging from green to almost ready to harvest. Wheat harvest could begin as early as the end of next week on sandy soils. Dryland corn planted no-till into winter wheat
stubble needs moisture and is starting to show signs of stress from high temperatures and low rainfall. Irrigated crops are holding on, but conditions are such that it’s hard to keep up with irrigation. (6/13/2012)
Drew Lyon, Extension Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, Panhandle REC: It is hot, dry, and windy, all of which does not bode well for a strong wheat harvest. Harvest will be a couple weeks earlier than normal and yield will be below average, except in a few fields lucky enough to received one of the spotty rains. Irrigated wheat doesn’t look too bad if the growers kept up with the water demand. (6/13/2012)
Brandy VanDeWalle, Extension Educator in Fillmore County: We haven’t received any rain for a while and it is pretty dry. Pivots are running much earlier than normal. (6/13/2012)