Field Updates 5-29-15
Nebraska Extension Field Reports May 25-29
Robert Klein, Extension Dryland Crops Specialist in Western Nebraska: Aerial applicators were treating wheat at UNL's West Central Research and Extension Center (REC) near North Platte on Friday. (See Stephen Wegulo's wheat disease update.) (May 29, 2015)
Nathan Mueller, Extension Educator in Dodge County: Southeast Dodge County and most of Washington County received heavy rainfall (upwards of 2 inches in some areas) on Monday, May 28, bringing total rainfall to 7 inches in May. Corn planting is finished except for in some poorly drained fields in the stream bottoms. Corn growth and development range from germination to the V4 (four visible collars) growth stage. Unfortunately, corn seedling diseases have become an issue in some fields.
Soybean planting progress continued Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in areas that received little or no rain. A majority of growers have greater than 50% of their soybean acres planted. Soybean growth and development range from germination to VC (unifoliate leaves). First-cutting alfalfa has been slow to start with all the rain and growers focused on planting. Waterhemp is starting to emerge in fields and growers will need focus on timely post-emergence herbicide application for good control in soybean fields given issues with glyphosate resistance and wet weather. Growers should consider applying soil residual herbicide options after soybean emergence to help with this issue. (May 28, 2015)
Strahinja Stepanovic, Extension Educator in Perkins, Chase and Dundy Counties: Precipitation of 3.5 inches in April and an additional 7 inches in May has been both a blessing and an obstacle for farmers in southwest Nebraska, where a variety of crops are grown. Following is a report on their growth stage and condition. Both dryland and irrigated wheat are heading and in good condition with soil moisture ranging from 20-40% of allowable soil water depletion. To my knowledge, there is no stripe rust in wheat fields here, but fungicide treatment is recommended to protect the flag leaf from stripe rust, Fusarium Head Blight (scab) or other infestation that may occur if temperatures increase in following weeks. See information on wheat fungicide treatments in CropWatch.
Corn planting is 80% done and most fields are at the V1 stage or emerging. Emerged corn looks chlorotic due to cloudy weather and limited sunshine the past week. Some seedling diseases are present. Rooting black tissue is observed above growing point, so there is no need for drastic measures at this point. Fields are muddy and in some cases may be growing out of optimal size for ground herbicide applications. Soybean planting started on irrigated acres and is about 20% done. Grain sorghum planting is close to being done on irrigated and is just getting starting on dryland acers. Field peas and potatoes that were planted in March and April are loving the current growing conditions (see pictures). Early season grazing started on the pastures —what a beautiful sight! (May 26, 2015)
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