Field and Crop Reports - UNL CropWatch, Oct. 4, 2012

Field and Crop Reports - UNL CropWatch, Oct. 4, 2012

Dry bean harvest

Figure 1.  Harvesting dry beans in Scotts Bluff County.  (Photo by Gary Stone)

October 4, 2012

 Skip-row corn

Figure 2. Skip-row corn planted at 12,500 seeds/acre in a field at UNL's West Central Water Resources Field Laboratory in Keith County. The pattern was two planted rows/two skipped rows in 30-inch rows.  (Photo by Robert Klein)

Paul Hay, Extension Educator in Gage County:  Corn and soybean harvests in this area are nearing completion, with the following yields reported:

  • Dryland corn harvest is 95% done with yields of 20-90 bu/ac, averaging 63 bu/ac.
  • Irrigated corn harvest is 75% complete with yields ranging from 170-250 bu/ac and averaging 225 bu/ac.
  • Limited Irrigated corn harvest is 95% done with yields of 70-130 bu/ac, averaging 115 bu/ac (Limited irrigation includes river irrigation cut off July 20, creek, pond, and limited well.)
  • Dryland soybean harvest is 85% done with yields of 10-35 bu/ac, averaging 23 bu/ac.
  • Irrigated soybeans harvest is 70% done with yields of 45-80 bu/ac, averaging 63 bu/ac.
  • Limited irrigated soybean harvest is 75% done with yields of 10-35 bu/ac, averaging 23 bu/ac (Limited irrigation includes creek, pond, limited well, and river irrigation cut off July 20.) (Minimal effect of one to four rounds of pivot before water was cut off.)

Brandy VanDeWalle, Extension Educator in Fillmore County:  Irrigated corn yields appear to be better than expected, but there are concerns about yield variability from pivot irrigation systems. Soybean harvest also appears to be going well. As expected from this year’s drought, corn stalks are being utilized early for grazing and lots of bales have been made from
corn residue.

Keith Jarvi, Extension Educator in Dakota, Dixon, and Thurston Counties: Apart from the obvious lack of moisture, harvest is going quickly due to the dry weather. Virtually all of our soybeans in the northeast will be harvested by the end of the week, although there are always a few that lag behind. Dryland yields have been all over the board with some surprising 30+ bu/ac field averages in a few places where a few showers went through. Irrigated beans have done well, with yields of 50-60 bu/ac in a lot of fields.

Same with corn, with about 60% now harvested. Dryland yields have ranged from from near zero to over 100 bu/ac. The new drought-tolerant corn seems to be doing significantly better than standard varieties, but I haven't talked to too many farmers about them. Irrigated corn yields have been very good, with reports of 220-230 bu/ac being very common. It certainly got a lot of sunlight. The growers who could keep up with watering have done well, although irrigation costs will be high.

Doug Anderson, Extension Educator in Keith, Arthur, and Perkins Counties: Corn harvest is moving full steam ahead. Some beans are being harvested and wheat is being planted. We're waiting for the big freeze.

Gary Lesoing, Extension Educator in Nemaha County:  Dryland corn harvest is almost complete in Nemaha and Richardson counties. Reports of yields are extremely variable, but in general, better than expected. Poorer fields were harvested for corn silage. Reports of yields ranging from 50 to 140 bu/ac., with averages from 60 to 90 bu/ac. Soybean harvest is getting a good start. Later maturing beans are yielding more and benefitted from August rains. Yields as high as 50 to 60 bu/ac have been reported, but 30 to 40 bu/ac is more common. 

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A field of corn.