Extension Crop Report July 11-17, 2015
Todd Whitney, Extension Educator in Hamilton County: Most corn is in the tassel stage, about two weeks behind normal. Rainfall last week ranged from 1 to 2 inches, moving from west to east across county. Most irrigators are in full-swing due to high temperatures and critical growth stages. Drip-irrigators are applying fertigation. Some soybean irrigation is underway although it's still early according to soybean growth stages (just blooming, no pods yet) and UNL's soywater.unl.edu program.
Wheat harvest is underway here with strong yields 80+ bu/ac. Almost all wheat produced in this region is in organic crop rotation. Sorghum crop growth has been strong due to good, early rains. First cutting alfalfa hay in this area was below average quality (about 120 RFV), but tonnage was almost double normal levels for those who delayed harvest. Second cutting likely will have good quality given insect counts (alfalfa weevil and blister beetles) are below normal. (July 13, 2015)