Nebraska Extension Field Reports May 18-22
Recent heavy rains in Lancaster County washed away residue from last year's crops in this field where soybeans are only now emerging. (Photos by Tyler Williams)

Tyler Williams, Extension Educator in Lancaster County: Most crops in the area look OK; areas along creeks or drainage areas are of greatest concern. There is still some ponded water, but most has drained away. There is an issue with crops that are covered by residue or silt, as well as for fields that still need to be planted. The pictures of the soybean field is a no-till field planted to corn last year, so you can see how the residue was washed away. This field was completely underwater. The stand is quite sporadic and the expectancy of the beans that are emerged may be quite low. These soybeans were starting to emerge before the rain two weeks ago. Most of the corn is at the two-leaf stage and the soybeans, planted before the rain, are just emerging. There hasn't been much field work in the last two weeks due to the wet weather. (May 22)
John Wilson, Extension Educator in Burt County: Conditions here are cold and wet with temperatures in the upper 30s last night. Corn planting is 90-95% done and plants are emerging; soybean planting is about 50% done. We've received spotty rains from 0.10 to 1.0, so it's been pretty variable as to who can get in the field. We've got good moisture to carry us into the summer. Now we would like to see some warm up. (May 19)
Gary Zoubek, Extension Educator in York County: Producers haven't been able to do much fieldwork in the last 7-10 days due to wet conditions. Corn is coming up, but we could use some sunshine and warmer weather. Corn planting is 80-85% done, but soybean planting is well behind normal. We have quite a few fields where water is standing and there has been some erosion. (May 19)
Troy Ingram, Extension Educator in Merrick County: Corn planting is 90-95% completed and soybean planting is 60-70% done, with little emergence. We received 1.1 inch of precipitation over the last week, leading to fairly wet conditions and little opportunity for fieldwork. (May 19)
Todd Whitney, Extension Educator in Hamilton County: A few fields of wheat, mostly organic, are heading. With intermittent rains growers haven't had much of a chance to spray for scab. Corn planting is done, and soybeans are about 60% planted.
Chuck Burr, Extension Educator, West Central Research and Extension Center: Rains have been variable, ranging from 0.20 to 1 inch. Corn planting is done and growers are starting on soybeans. Wheat is heading out. (May 19)
Robert Tigner, Extension Educator, Red Willow County: Good, but variable moisture with most areas near normal. Irrigated corn planting is done, yellow peas and potatoes are up. Warm weather could bring most corn up. There is concern however for the wheat, which may have been damaged by recent low temperaures. In on low-lying field I did find some twisted heads due to frost. (May 19)

FIn the Panhandle these field peas (left) survived last week's snow in good condition, while 2,400 acres of sugar beets had to be replanted and are just getting started. (Photos by Gary Stone)
Gary Stone, Nebraska Extension Educator, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, Scottsbluff: Last week's snow storm in the Panhandle damaged more than wheat. Approximately 2,400 acres of sugar beets have been replanted due to the freeze and snow. According to Jerry Darnell, Western Sugar Cooperative Sough Regional Manager, this year's sugar beet crop was off to the best start he had seen in years. The Nebraska Panhandle and eastern Wyoming sugar beet growers suffered the most damage while growers in northern Colorado and Montana had very little damage. About 15% to 20% of the sugar beets have had an herbicide treatment applied at this time.
Producers are still assessing the damage to their winter wheat from the freezing temperatures and snow cover and will not know the full extent for several weeks. Producers have been bringing in samples of winter wheat with broken and crimped stems, reported Karen DeBoer, Cheyenne County Extension Educator. There were significant storms across Cheyenne, Kimball, Garden, Deuel, and Garden counties late Friday. There was a lot of precipitation and hail with these storms. Producers have yet to report any hail damage in those areas.
Most of the corn crop is germinated and trying to emerge. With precipitation forecasted for the next five to seven days with below average temperatures, all of the crops could do with some warm weather to get them growing. Field peas are doing well. So far the cold, wet weather has not been a problem for this crop.Those producers with dryland field peas will have adequate moisture for a good crop. (May 19)