DiFlexx™: A New Dicamba-Based Corn Herbicide
May 13, 2015
DiFlexx™ is a new dicamba-based herbicide recently registered for broadleaf weed control in corn. A product of Bayer Crop Science, DiFlexx is a blend of dicamba and Crop Safety Innovation (CSI™) Safener technology, which enables corn plants to better withstand herbicidal activity and provides better crop safety. DiFlexx is a liquid formulation that can be applied from burndown to V10 growth stage of corn.
When applied as a pre-emergence, DiFlexx will safen amide products applied in the same tank-mix. When applied post-emergence, DiFlexx can be tank-mixed with other labeled post-emergence corn herbicides that will provide an additional mode of action to further control herbicide-resistant weeds. The label indicates control/and or suppression of more than 100 annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, including those resistant to glyphosate-, PPO-, and ALS-based herbicides. A field experiment conducted in south central Nebraska provided excellent control of Palmer amaranth resistant to atrazine and HPPD-inhibiting herbicides (Callisto, Laudis, Impact/Armezon) when Corvus was applied pre-emergence followed by DiFlexx early post-emergence when Palmer amaranth was less than 4 inches tall (Figure 1).
DiFlexx can be applied to all soil types making it applicable for silage, white corn, seed corn, and popcorn. Additionally, DiFlexx can be safely combined with MSO (Methylated Seed Oil) or COC (Crop Oil Concentrate) for improved weed control.
Use Restrictions
- Maximum seasonal use rate: Refer to specific use directions for crop-specific maximum seasonal use rates. Do not exceed 64 fl oz of this product (2 pounds acid equivalent) per acre per year.
- Rainfast Period: Rainfall or irrigation occurring within four hours after post-emergence applications may reduce its effectiveness.
Table 1. Application rates of DiFlexx for control or suppression by weed type and growth stage. Use rate limitations are in the SPECIFIC CROP USE RECOMMENDATIONS section of the label. | |
Weed Type and Stage Rate per Acre (fl oz) | Rate per Acre (fl oz) |
Annual* Small actively growing Established weed growth |
8 – 16 16 – 24 |
Biennial Rosette diameter 1 to 3 inches Rossette diameter 3 inches or more Bolting |
8 – 16 16 – 32 32 |
*Rates below 8 fl oz per acre may provide control or suppression but typically should be applied with other herbicides that are effective on the same species and biotype. |
Table 2. Additive products and rates | ||
Adjuvant | Nitrogen Source | |
NIS (Noionic Surfactant) (0.25% v/v or 1 qt/100 gallons) | + | UAN (2 to 4 qt/A) or AMS (8.5 to 17 lb/100 gallon) |
COC (1.0% v/v or 1 gal/100 gallons) | + | |
MSO (1.0% v/v or 1 gal/100 gallons) | + |
Timing of Application
Broadcast Spray Application: Apply DiFlexx as a broadcast spray when corn is at spike through the V6 stage of growth (6-leaf collar) or 36 inches tall, whichever occurs first. Early post-emergence application is recommended for best weed control (weeds less than 3 inches tall) and crop yield potential.
Directed Spray Application: Directed spray applications may be made when corn is from growth stage V7 through V10 (7- to 10-leaf collar), up to 36 inches tall, or is 15 days prior to tassel, whichever occurs first. Directed sprays should also be used if corn leaves prevent proper spray coverage, sensitive crops are growing nearby, or when tank mixing with 2,4-D. DO NOT apply DiFlexx when soybeans are growing nearby if any of these conditions exist:
- Corn is more than 24 inches tall.
- Soybeans are more than 10 inches tall.
- Soybeans have begun to bloom.
Spray Additives
DiFlexx is a suspension concentrate. To improve post-emergence weed control, agriculturally approved surfactants and nitrogen sources (sprayable grade fertilizer such as urea ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate) may be added, particularly in dry growing conditions (Table 2).
For more information about DiFlexx read the label.
Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension is implied.
Amit Jhala
Nebraska Extension Weed Management Specialist