CW 09-12-17 Field Updates; Harvest Mostly Completed; Storage a Problem

CW 09-12-17 Field Updates; Harvest Mostly Completed; Storage a Problem

Keith Jarvi, Extension Educator in Dakota, Dixon, and Thurston counties: About 10% of our corn may still be out in the field in Dakota, Dixon, and Thurston counties. Local elevators have been putting corn on the ground for over a week now. Big yields but it’s been very wet; there will be storage quality issues all winter and especially in the spring when things begin to warm up again.

Douglas Anderson, Extension Educator in Keith, Arthur, and Perkins counties: It’s cold, cold, cold here. Growers are still picking corn. Everyone is running out of storage space due to the need for drying and corn is being dumped on the ground.

Jim Schneider, UNL Extension Educator in Hamilton County: Most farmers here had completed harvest prior to last week’s snow; however, you can still find a corn field here or there to be harvested. Probably 5% or less of the acres are standing yet.

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