As the cost of machinery and equipment have continued to rise over the last several years, many individuals have offered custom services for field operations to spread their investment costs over more acres. Conversely, some producers are increasingly utilizing custom services to manage their capital investments. For some, this approach is driven by the inability to justify the cost of equipment due to limited acreage, while others may lack the time for certain operations because of off-farm jobs.
At the Center for Agricultural Profitability at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, custom rate service providers are surveyed, and a custom rates report is published every other year. The report focuses on field operations and general service rates commonly required in agriculture. A second survey focused on livestock-related custom work was added in the year after the regular biennial survey. The Nebraska Livestock-Related Custom Rates Survey is available to complete now through Feb. 28, 2025. It is designed for custom service providers and those who pay for these services in Nebraska. For more information and to sign up to participate in the survey, visit UNL CAP.
Pages 5-9 from Part I of the 2024 report provide custom rate figures for spring field operations, including tillage, drilling, and planting. The report is one source custom operators may use to help determine what to charge or pay for agricultural custom services. In addition, machine operation costs are recommended to be calculated, and other factors should be considered, such as custom rates set by those providing various services.