CRP Acreage Released for Emergency Haying and Grazing in 17 More Counties - UNL CropWatch, 2012

CRP Acreage Released for Emergency Haying and Grazing in 17 More Counties - UNL CropWatch, 2012

July 19, 2012

Map of counties authorized for emergency haying and grazing of CRP

Figure 1. Counties where emergency haying and grazing has been approved on CRP acres. (Source:  USDA FAS Nebraska State office)

"As of July 19, seventeen additional Nebraska counties have been released for CRP emergency haying and grazing," announced Farm Service Agency (FSA) State Executive Director Dan Steinkruger. They are: Antelope, Kearney, Platte, Dixon, Knox, Polk, Franklin, Madison, Thayer, Hall, Nuckolls, Wayne, Hamilton, Phelps, Webster, Jefferson, and Pierce. These are in addition to the counties previously named (Figure 1).

The Drought Monitor was updated Thursday and designated these additional counties as being in a "D2 – Severe Drought" status. Secretary Vilsack recently authorized FSA State Committees to release counties for CRP emergency haying and grazing once they reached the D2 level. In addition, the associated payment reduction was decreased from 25% to 10% to further assist producers impacted by the drought conditions.

CRP participants need to file a request to hay or graze at their local FSA office. CRP use includes specific rules for haying and/or a grazing plan to insure consistent uses of the land. An additional approval was granted this year for practice CP-25, Rare and Declining Habitat, to allow grazing for the first time.

Steinkruger added, "This approval will provide additional forage to livestock producers in the affected counties as the drought continues to intensify."

News Release
USDA FSA Nebraska office


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