Nov. 24, 2015
Register Now
to guarantee you get a comprehensive pest management guide, meal, and other resources. See programs for each site.

- What does it take to produce 80 bu/ac soybean routinely?
- How can you control glyphosate-resistant weeds?
- What can you do to delay corn rootworm resistance on your farm?
- Where is the safety in the farm income safety net?
- What are the truths and the legends of cover crops?
- How can you employ climate-resilient irrigation systems?
These are among the many topics to be covered at the 2016 Nebraska Extension Crop Production Clinics this January. These one-day workshops will be held at nine sites, each featuring location-specific topics as well as timely research updates and recommendations for any farm. Pesticide applicator recertification for private applicators and for commercial/noncommercial ag plant, demonstration/research, and regulatory will also be available.
The clinics provide “high impact training for agricultural professionals and producers,” said Amit Jhala, program coordinator and Nebraska Extension weed scientist.
“This is a multi-disciplinary program designed to help farmers and ag professionals learn about the latest topics with presenters on cropping systems; soil fertility; insect, disease, and weed management; irrigation; soil water management; and agribusiness management and marketing.”
All programs start at 8:45 a.m. and end at 4 p.m.
A meal and resource materials, including the 2016 Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska and the CPC Proceedings, will be available to those who preregister at Preregistration is $65 or registration is $80 at the door. Preregistration closes 3 p.m. the day before the clinic.
Wednesday, Jan. 6 — Gering Civic Center, 1050 M St.
Thursday, Jan. 7 — Sandhills Convention Center 2102 S. Jeffers, North Platte
Friday, Jan. 8 — Holthus Convention Center 3130 Holen Ave, York
Tuesday, Jan. 12 - Beatrice Country Club 1301 Oak St., Beatrice
Wednesday, Jan. 13 — Adams County Fairgrounds 947 S. Baltimore, Hastings
Thursday, Jan. 14 — Younes Conference Center 416 W. Talmadge Rd., Kearney
Tuesday, Jan. 19 — Atkinson Community Center 206 W. 5th St., Atkinson
Wednesday, Jan. 20 — Lifelong Learning Center, NECC 601 E. Benjamin Ave., Norfolk
Thursday, Jan. 21 —Saunders County Extension Office ARDC (Mead) 1071 County Road G, Ithaca
CCA Credits and Contacts
A maximum of six CCA credits will be provided per day in the areas of crop production (2), nutrient management (1), integrated pest management (6), water management (1), or professional development (2).
For more information, go to, see the program flyer, or call 402-472-5636. Online preregistration is currently available on the website and program information by site will be added soon.