Cover Crop Field Day Sept. 9 in Nemaha County

Cover Crop Field Day Sept. 9 in Nemaha County

August 26, 2015

Nebraska Extension and the Nebraska office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are sponsoring a Cover Crop Field Day Sept. 9 in southeast Nebraska.  Registration will begin at 9:30 on the Ron Meyer Farm in western Nemaha County, 3/4 mile south of Highway 136 on 628 Avenue. The program begins at 10 a.m.

Several cover crop species and cover crop mixes were planted in early August and will be available for examination at the field day. 

UNL speakers and topics will include:

  • Mary Drewnoski, extension beef systems specialist, on grazing cover crops for forage;
  • Chris Proctor, extension educator in weed science, on herbicide programs for cover crops;
  • Paul Jasa, extension engineer, on planting methods for cover crops; and
  • Humberto Blanco, soil scientist, on soil physical properties and cover crops. 

Other topics to be discussed by NRCS representatives and extension educators include: water infiltration rates in soil, soil health, uses and potential benefits for different types of cover crops and NRCS programs on cover crops and soil health.

The field day is free and includes lunch. Following lunch, participants will be able to examine the cover crop plots more closely and talk with presenters and participants. While preregistration isn't required, it is encouraged for lunch and handout materials.  To register contact Extension Educator Gary Lesoing in Nemaha County at (402) 274-4755 or Also see program flyer.

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