July 27, 2012
Forage, Feed, and Grazing Restrictions for Row Crop Herbicides
Source: 2012 Guide for Weed Management
Due to the drought conditions, some producers are considering grazing or harvesting dryland corn and soybeans for forage.
If you're considering these options, be sure to consult the labels of any herbicides applied to these fields to verify that grazing or forage harvest intervals have been met before chopping or turning livestock into a field.
Most commonly used corn herbicides have grazing or forage harvest restrictions ranging from 0-80 days after application. Soybean herbicides tend to be more restrictive regarding grazing and forage harvest. Some allow grazing 30 days after application, however many products do not allow for grazing or forage harvest.
The grazing and forage interval section of the 2012 Guide for Weed Management (pages 168-171) is a quick reference for herbicide restrictions. However, remember to always refer to the herbicide label for detailed information regarding grazing and forage harvest restrictions.