Bo Liu new Extension Plant Pathologist at UNL West Central REC - UNL CropWatch

Bo Liu new Extension Plant Pathologist at UNL West Central REC - UNL CropWatch

March 8, 2012

Bo Liu

Bo Liu

Dr. Bo Liu has joined the faculty at UNL’s West Central Research and Extension Center at North Platte as an assistant professor of plant pathology and extension plant pathologist. His responsibilities will be split between research (50%) and extension (50%).

Liu’s current responsibilities include serving as a member of an extension plant pathology team and working on soilborne diseases of corn, soybean, wheat, and grasses. He also serves on a UNL interdisciplinary cropping systems team.

Liu earned his PhD from the University of Arkansas in 2002. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom in 1993-1994, a graduate research assistant from 1997-2002 while working on his degree, and a researcher at North Carolina State University from 2002-2011.

Contact Information

Bo Liu
Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology
UNL West Central Research & Extension Center
402 W State Farm Rd
North Platte NE 69101-7751

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