Bean Leaf Beetle Thresholds: Where Do They Come From? - CropWatch Link to Illinois IPM article

Bean Leaf Beetle Thresholds: Where Do They Come From? - CropWatch Link to Illinois IPM article

May 25, 2012

This week's University of Illinois The Bulletin, an integrated crop pest management newsletter, looks at how thresholds were established for bean leaf beetles based on research done at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and what this year's higher soybean market value means for treatment thresholds.  Even with high prices, many beetles are still required to warrant a rescue treatment.

Earlier this spring Tom Hunt, the UNL extension entomologist who conducts bean leaf beetle research, posted new treatment thresholds related to the higher market prices for soybeans.  Be sure to see the new treatment thresholds in the April 27 CropWatch story, Scout Early Emerging Soybeans for Bean Leaf Beetles.

See the story at

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