Cory Walters - Extension Grain Economist

Cory Walters

Work Filley Hall (FYH) 304B
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-0366 On campus, dial 2-0366
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Chart of wheat futures prices

Post-Harvest Winter Wheat Marketing Strategies

July 11, 2017
When developing a post-harvest marketing plan, your objective should be to obtain a higher price than the cash price offered at harvest. This article discusses five strategies to post-harvest market winter wheat.

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US map of hail events

Hail: Pre- and Post-Event Risk Management Considerations

May 25, 2017
Severe weather, especially hail, is common during the Nebraska growing season. The impact to crops, structures, and equipment can be devastating, but planning and responding properly can save you time, money, and stress.

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Screen capture of Elwynn Taylor on using climate data to manage production risk

UNL & ISU Climatologists on Using Climate Data to Manage Risk

March 31, 2017
View presentations from ag climatologists from Nebraska and Iowa on how weather and climate influence crops and how growers can access and use climate trends to make informed risk management decisions.

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harvesting wheat

Costs of Reducing Potential Nitrogen Pollution in Wheat Production

March 23, 2017

Understanding the influence of variable rate nitrogen technology in other areas can help inform Nebraska producers. 

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Projected Corn and Soybean Prices for 2017 Crop Insurance

March 3, 2017
Corn and soybean projected prices for the 2017 crop insurance year were recently released by the Risk Management Agency (RMA). The projected price for corn is $3.96 while the price for soybean is $10.19.

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Gordon Nebraska grain elevator
Figure 1. Now's a good time to begin your pre-harvest marketing plan. Gordon Nebraska grain elevator. (By Ammodramus, via Wikimedia Commons)

Pre-Harvest Marketing Strategies in Years with High Ending Stocks

January 27, 2017
This article looks at historical price patterns which can be used to determine a pre-harvest pricing strategy. Because of the record high ending stocks placing pressure on all three futures traded commodities, we will present both a 20-year average price pattern and a pattern for years with very high ending stocks for each.

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Figure 1. 1996-2016 average price index for the Nearby Chicago corn contract.
Figure 1. 1996-2016 average price index for the Nearby Chicago corn contract.

High Corn Ending Stocks and Post-Harvest Marketing Plans

October 19, 2016
Individual grain marketing plans contain both producer expectations and market fundamentals. In order to improve marketing plans it is important to understand how market fundamentals could impact changes in future prices.

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USDA winter wheat loan rate by Nebraska county.
USDA winter wheat loan rate by Nebraska county.

Price Support for Winter Wheat

September 9, 2016
Developing a post-harvest marketing plan when prices are low can be difficult. This article offers information for wheat growers on federal price support options through crop insurance, farm bill program payments or Marketing Assistance Loans or Loan Deficiency Payments.

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