Prescribed fire is an effective land management tool that benefits both wildlife and agricultural productivity by enhancing soil health and ecosystem resilience when used carefully and under the right conditions. From controlling invasive plant species — which can otherwise overwhelm native vegetation crucial for local wildlife — to rejuvenating habitats by encouraging native plant regrowth — which benefits pheasants, other ground-nesting birds and pollinators — prescribed fire works to promote overall biodiversity in ag land. In this episode of WildAg, Brian Teeter, prescribed fire coordinator for Nebraska Pheasants Forever, discusses safe burning practices, timing, and fire management plans to help producers conduct prescribed fires that align with their conservation and agricultural goals.
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WildAg Contact Information
- Dr. Andrew Little: Profile, Instagram
- Nathan Pflueger: Profile
- UNL Applied Wildlife Ecology and Spatial Movement Lab site, Instagram
- Nebraska Pheasants Forever site, Instagram
WildAg is part of the Natural Resources University, a podcast network focused on delivering science-based information for natural resource management. Funding for this project comes from the Renewable Resources Extension Act.