Nebraska Extension is conducting a study to learn more about how pivots are damaged in storms and how to reduce the likelihood of damage in the future. Almost every year, some pivots are damaged in Nebraska, causing high dollar losses, a great deal of extra work, and most of the time, crop loss for delayed irrigation. In fact, this year we have already seen above average losses. The losses have greatly increased the costs to insure pivots.
With these facts in mind, we have decided to ask for producers’ assistance in putting together a data set, to help us examine elements that may contribute to increasing or decreasing pivot damage. Our hope is to discover factors like: which direction should a pivot be parked to be the least likely to be damaged; do tire options or span length have an effect; if the machine is irrigating, is it less likely to get damaged, etc.
So, please help us by completing the survey if you or your neighbors have had any pivots damaged by storms in the past few years. We are looking for information about pivots that were damaged by storms, as well as those that were not damaged but in proximity to those that were damaged.
You can access the survey with this link or by scanning the QR code.
If you have any questions, contact Steve Melvin, extension educator, at (308) 946-3843.