Savvy Full Season Soybean Management Webinar Series

February 29, 2024

Savvy Full Season Soybean Management Webinar Series

Soybean field during summer
Hosted by Science for Success, a three-part webinar beginning March 8 will provide soybean producers with insights from university faculty and extension specialists across the nation on numerous production challenges.

Science for Success is hosting a three-part virtual webinar series to discuss strategies farmers can utilize to optimize soybean yield. This webinar series will explore some of the many management decisions soybean farmers face throughout the growing season.

Friday, March 8

Topic: Pre-Season Maturity Group, Planting Date, and Biological Seed Treatment Choices

Friday, March 15

Topic: In-Season Fertilizer and Fungicide Applications

Friday, March 22

Topic: Late-season Desiccation Decisions

  • Rachel Vann, North Carolina State University
  • Seth Naeve, University of Minnesota
  • Trent Irby, Mississippi State University
  • Moderated by Emma Grace Matcham, University of Florida

Webinars will take place at noon CST on their respective dates and will last approximately one hour. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers through the chat during the Q&A at the end. Organizers have applied for one continuing education credit in crop management for each webinar for Certified Crop Advisers.

This webinar is free and open to anyone. Registration can be completed online. Links to each webinar will be sent to participants via email before the event. Please contact Haleigh Ortmeier-Clarke with questions.

About Science for Success

Science for Success is a national team of soybean extension specialists from land-grant universities. We collaborate to bring you sound research information on soybean best management practices (BMPs). Science for Success is funded by the United Soybean Board through the checkoff program.


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