Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep Course Continues Throughout the Summer

Drone spraying corn field
The Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep course provides straightforward lessons on regulations, airspace, radio communication, weather, aircraft performance, and other basic aviation concepts necessary to pass the Part 107 knowledge exam.

Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep Course Continues Throughout the Summer

Nebraska Extension continues to offer a one-day course to prepare individuals to pass the FAA Aeronautical Knowledge Exam — the first step towards receiving a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate or drone license.

To date, over 30 students have either enrolled or successfully completed the 2024 summer sessions. The Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep course is suitable for anyone wanting to receive a drone license for working in agriculture, law enforcement and emergency management, real estate, insurance, education, or any activity requiring a commercial drone license. 

“One of the advantages of taking this course with Nebraska Extension is being able to complete the training in one day,” said Dr. Dirk Charlson, statewide extension educator and course instructor.  “There are many online options available, but these online courses require 10 hours or more of watching videos and reading online materials with very little, if any, instructor support.”

In a day, this course provides straightforward and understandable lessons on regulations, airspace, radio communication, weather, aircraft performance, and other basic aviation concepts necessary to pass the Part 107 knowledge exam.

“This course taught me more today than what I purchased online and having to watch 15 hours of online videos. This course is much better and more efficient,” said Chris Dankleff of Otoe County, who recently completed the course.

The Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep courses are available to the public. Aviation experience is not essential to be successful in the course. There are four remaining dates/locations in the course's summer session, held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time:

  • Friday, June 28 — Gage County Extension Office, 1115 W. Scott St., Beatrice.
  • Wednesday, July 10 — Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center, 76025 Rd. 329, Grant.
  • Thursday, Aug. 8 — Dodge County Extension Office, 1206 W. 23rd St., Fremont.
  • Friday, Aug. 16 — UNL West Central Research, Extension and Education Center, 402 W. State Farm Rd., North Platte.

Registration is available online for each location. Pre-registration is required with a $275 registration fee. Study materials, and light breakfast and lunch will be provided. An educational discount is available to students and educators through an application process available on the registration link.

Please contact Dirk Charlson for more information on this course at 402-460-0742 (text or call).

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A field of corn.