Nebraska Study Reveals State’s Ethanol Industry Remains Strong Despite Recent Challenges

April 24, 2024

Nebraska Study Reveals State’s Ethanol Industry Remains Strong Despite Recent Challenges

By Center for Agricultural Profitability

Numerous buildings surround ethanol production facility in Nebraska
Valero Renewable Fuels, LLC. in Albion, Nebraska. (Photo courtesy Nebraska Ethanol Board)

The ethanol and ethanol co-product industry continues to be a main economic driver in Nebraska, producing near-historic averages in 2020, despite lower ethanol prices and COVID-related production issues, according to a new University of Nebraska-Lincoln study.

The study found that the positive impact of the industry is spread throughout the state, directly creating 1,758 jobs, many of which are in small communities. The 2020 report, based on the most recent data available, confirms the importance of the ethanol industry in Nebraska and points toward potential future growth. In total, the Nebraska ethanol industry was responsible for just over $4.4 billion of economic activity.

Like many industries in 2020, ethanol production was harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic through production difficulties but also by weakened output prices, a trend that has prevailed for some time. However, the industry continues to expand offerings of highly valued co-products, insulating itself from cyclical ethanol fuel prices.

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