The Basics of Loans for Farmers and Ranchers

June 6, 2024

The Basics of Loans for Farmers and Ranchers

By Jessica Groskopf - Extension Educator for Agricultural Economics

Aerial image of cattle on farm
Borrowing a loan can be a useful tool for farmers and ranchers, but it's important to first understand the loan terms and repayment requirements as spelled out in the loan documents. (CAP photo)

For farmers and ranchers, having enough cash on hand to make purchases throughout the season (year) may not always be possible. Many producers use loans to help their businesses get the inputs and assets they need.

In this Center for Agricultural Profitability article, Nebraska Extension Agricultural Economist Jessica Groskopf reviews basic information about loans, operating notes, the difference between secured and unsecured loans, and what financial documents to prepare for a lender to help producers secure a loan.

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