Avoid Year-End Operating Loan Pitfalls

November 22, 2024

Avoid Year-End Operating Loan Pitfalls

By Jessica Groskopf - Extension Educator for Agricultural Economics

Tractor and cattle in snowy field with farmer
Careful financial management is vital for farmers and ranchers as they approach the end of the year — be sure to maintain accurate financial records, prepare for discussions with lenders, and align loan structures with operational needs.

As the year draws to a close, many producers rely on operating loans, or lines of credit, to finance essential expenses when cash flow is tight. These loans function like credit cards but usually come with lower interest rates. An operating loan is a short-term financing tool — often lasting less than a year — designed to help manage business cash flow. Borrowers are usually granted a pre-set limit they can draw from and repay multiple times throughout the year, primarily for purchasing inputs rather than long-term assets like land or equipment.

However, as the year ends, it's crucial to navigate the potential pitfalls associated with these loans. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind… (continue reading)

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